Standard Wills
Each Standard Will includes Revocation, Appointment of Executors, Appointment of Guardians if required, Legacies and Gifts, Distribution of Residual Estate and Funeral Wishes; one draft copy with plain English commentary; one fully bound Will ready for Attestation.
Single Will: £225
Mirror Wills: £400
Additional Will Trusts
These fees are additional to the Standard Will fee. However, they are not charged per Will. So, for example, a couple commissioning a pair of Wills with a Property Protection Trust will only be charged one Mirror Will fee plus one Property Protection Trust fee although the Property Protection Trust will be written into both Wills.
Property Protection Trust: £250
Disabled Person’s Trust: £125
Other Discretionary Trusts per Trust: £250
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
These fees are for the preparation and supply of the documents only. They do not include submission to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) nor the registration fee required by the OPG.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) – Property & Financial Affairs per person: £300
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) – Health & Welfare per person: £300
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) checking service per LPA: £50
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) both: £575
Other Services
Secure Document Storage pair of Wills plus associated documents. One off £50 payment
Severance of Joint Tenancy: £100
Attestation Supervision home visit: £50
Attestation check by post: FREE
Initial home visit, Will review, telephone consultation: FREE
VAT is not chargeable. Payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer on approval of draft documents.
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